A Back to School Must Have

Hi Guys!

August is almost over, and we're all heading back to school. My summer was amazing; I hope you had a great Summer too! Before we go shopping for those pretty mechanical pencils, cool backpacks, and that epic "first day of school outfit" I wanted to remind everyone that the most important thing you can take to school with you is a good attitude. Sometimes we get caught up in what's going wrong in our lives that we forget to appreciate what's going right. That negative view can ruin your day, and even cause you to ruin someone else's day. 

Staying positive about life takes some work but it's worth the effort. You can change the way people respond to you, and the things that happen in your life with your attitude. A positive attitude gets positive results, and a negative attitude gets negative results. So, my advice to you would be to focus on all that is right in this world. Stay away from drama, don't get involved with gossip, do something kind for someone else every day, and try to see the positive side of every situation. Be the positive energy you want to attract and encourage the people around you to do the same. It's amazing how one little spark of joy can spread. 

Besides, life's too short for bad attitudes anyway! So, remember to smile, be kind to others, be that spark of happiness that everyone needs, and have an amazing first day of school!

Bye for now!




Be sure to check out my Instagram page @IsabelleDubroy to see all my summer fun!